
Helping You achieve your personal protection goals

Be prepared, expect the unexpected.

Upstart Armor maybe the first African American owned company that supplies top of the line personal safety armor, bullet proof vests or plates and accessories.

We specializes in bringing you the latest and most modern Lightweight Concealable Body Armor.

Our Body Armor of choice is specifically designed to allow the wearer to go unnoticed. We call this new Armor Stealth mode.

First what does it mean to go stealth: When you do something with stealth, you do it so quietly and carefully that no one notices.

Our Stealth mode Armor is rated by the Manufacturer as a Level 3A and Level 3. This is top rated Police level protection able to stop bullets from a 9mm to a 44 magnum.

Each Stealth T-shirt is made of High density elastic polyester, with bullet proof panels made of PEUD. All stealth units come in 2 colors Black or White, with sizes starting at X small to 4X Large


Professional Services

We offer a variety of professional services that help you achieve your personal protection goals. Do you need help with choosing the correct size bullet proof vest?  What about one-on-one mentoring to take your personal protection to the next level? We’ve got that.

armor yourself initiative

African Americans simply don’t  want to walk around carrying firearms or openly wearing a bullet proof vest. Unfortunately our mindset has to change, either we have to arm ourselves or we have to armor ourselves.


Amazing Results

Where do we deliver the most? In our client’s results. We’ve worked with bullet proof vest manufactures around the globe. Companies from single-person startups to Fortune 500 executives and everything in between.  They provide guarantee’s and 5 year warrantees because they believe their product will allow you the customer to experience and see amazing results.